Victorian COVID-19 hospitalisations at 1,057 as state records 15 deaths

27 Ιανουαρίου, 2022

IMAGE: Health authorities remain hopeful that Victoria has hit a peak in its COVID cases.(ABC News: Margaret Burin)

Source: ABCnews

Victoria has recorded the deaths of 15 more COVID-19 patients.

The number of people in hospital after contracting the illness sits at 1,057, down from 1,089 recorded on Wednesday.

Of the people in hospital, 117 are in intensive care units and 40 are on ventilators.

There were 13,755 new infections officially reported, bringing the number of active cases to 119,153.

The tally was comprised of 6,130 PCR test results and 7,625 rapid antigen tests (RATs) registered with the state on Wednesday.

About 35 per cent of Victorian adults have received at least three doses of a COVID-19 vaccine.


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