
2019-20 New Brimbank Mayor

15 Νοεμβρίου, 2019

It is my absolute honour and privilege to have been elected the first Greek- Australian Mayor of Brimbank City Council for the next 12 months.

This is my first term in Council.

In my first year as Councillor in 2016-17 I was elected Deputy Mayor. I follow my father’s interests who for several decades was involved with Greek communities. My father is from Prasino- Tripoli Arkadia and my mother is from Finiki – Sparti Lakonia.

Brimbank Council is now being led by 2 Greek women. My CEO is Helen Morrissey (née Ouliaris). A highly successful and knowledged person who I look forward to working with.

I thank my family and the wider community who strongly encouraged and supported me in taking on this role as Councillor.

Mayor – Cr Georgina Papafotiou


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