
Antetokounmpo donates temporary accommodation to fire-stricken residents

9 Αυγούστου, 2021

Source: keeptalkinggreece.com

Giannis Antetokounmpo, has offered temporary accommodation to residents of Athens and Attic affected by the devastating wildfires that have swept across the area since Tuesday for several days and nights.

The Greek Freak but also many anonymous volunteers jumped immediately to help, where other prominent Greeks remained silent to the plight that has affected thousands of people.

In cooperation with an online betting company Novibet, Antetokounmpo paid 85 hotel rooms in several facilities in Attica initially for three days. When it became clear that the evacuees cannot return to their homes quickly, he extended the accommodation stay and added 5 more rooms. The project is called the GiANT HEART Project.

Giannis and his older brother Thanasis canceled on Wednesday a celebration of the NBA trophy at Sepolia because of the fires.

Sepolia is the poor neighborhood in western Athens, where the Antetokounmpo kids grew up with their parents.

PS although the fires are largely extinguished in Attica people cannot return to their homes as many are burned down, there is still power and water outages.


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