
Bondi Protein Co vegan bar pulled from shelves over allergen fears

27 Απριλίου, 2021

An urgent recall has been issued nationwide for a popular health product sold at Chemist Warehouse over concerns it could cause an allergic reaction.

An urgent recall has been issued nationwide for a popular vegan protein bar.

Chemist Warehouse has been forced to pull Bondi Protein Co’s chocolate and salted caramel vegan protein bars from its shelves over concerns they contain an undeclared allergen.

The Food Standards Authority issued the warning, saying the bars may contain peanuts that could trigger an allergic reaction.

“Yours Truly Chocolates is conducting a recall,” the regulatory body said in a statement.

“These products have been for sale at Chemist Warehouse nationally.”

The products of concern are the chocolate or salted caramel favours in the 60 gram protein bars.

The chocolate bars have a best before date of either February 4 or March 14 next year.

The salted caramel flavour has a best before date of January 29 next year.

“Any consumers who have a peanut allergy or intolerance may have a reaction if the product is consumed,” food standards said.

“Consumers who have a peanut allergy or intolerance should not consume this product and should return the products to the place of purchase for a full refund.”

Customers wanting more information should contact the customer service team at Chemist Warehouse.

Bondi Protein Co has been contacted for comment.

Source: news.com.au

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