
Broken toilet leads to mega Sydney ice haul

9 Φεβρουαρίου, 2022

IMAGE: A leaking toilet pipe led to the discovery of $44m worth of ice and $1.1m cash. (9news)

Source: 9news

A Sydney drug dealer is cursing a broken toilet after a leaking pipe led to police discovering 220 kilograms of ice and $1.1 million in cash.

The drugs, with an estimated street value of $44 million, were found in a unit in Sydney’s south-west after plumbers fixing a toilet pipe found bags of cash and a crystal substance in an open cupboard.

Police were called and searched the unit and a locked garage underneath the residential complex.

In another search, officers found 15 cardboard boxes full with almost 220 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine.

Police also seized 95 grams of MDMA and 35 grams of cocaine, along with chemicals consistent with the manufacture of gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB), gamma-butyrolactone (GBL) and ice.

Almost $1.15 million – some of it hidden in a grocery bag – was found inside the unit and garage.

Police seized almost $1.15 million – some of which was found in a grocery bag.
Police seized almost $1.15 million – some of which was found in a grocery bag. (Supplied)
Police believe this man can assist with their investigations
Police believe this man can assist with their investigations (Supplied)
Workers fixing a leaking toilet pipe reported finding bags of cash and a crystal substance in an open cupboard.
Workers fixing a leaking toilet pipe reported finding bags of cash and a crystal substance in an open cupboard. (Supplied)

Since the search and drug seizure in July last year, the investigation has rolled on and today police released CCTV of a man they believe could be linked to the drugs.

In the footage, the man is walking along Minter Street in Canterbury about 8.10pm on July 9, the day police first searched the unit.

Police believe he could be Asian, about 170cm tall and likely aged between 25-30.Investigations are continuing.


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