
COVID-19 case numbers from around the states and territories

11 Μαΐου, 2022

Source: ABCnews

Here’s a quick wrap-up of each Australian jurisdiction’s latest COVID-19 statistics today — Wednesday, May 11.

You can also get a more detailed, visual breakdown through the ABC’s Charting the Spread story right here.

This article will be updated throughout the day, so if you do not see your state or territory, check back later. 

You can jump to the COVID-19 information you want to read by clicking below.


There have been another 17 COVID-19 deaths in the state.

There are 533 cases in hospital, with 33 of those in intensive care and five requiring ventilation.

Authorities reported 13,973 new cases today. Victoria has 67,608 active cases.


The state has recorded 11 more COVID-19 deaths. 

There are 1,452 cases in hospital, 48 of those in intensive care. 

There were 12,265 new cases announced today.


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