
Eaton Mall and Kingsway designated smoke free

27 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2021

Eaton Mall Oakleigh and Kingsway in Glen Waverley have been declared smoke-free areas under Council’s Smoke-Free Local Law, adopted in May 2021.

From 19 October 2021, there will be no smoking allowed in designated areas including the footpath along the length of Eaton Mall, between Atherton Road and Oakleigh Central, or on footpaths along the length of Kingsway, between O’Sullivan Road and Bogong Avenue and the area outside the Glen Waverley Library and the Monash Civic Centre.

The declared areas were endorsed at the August 2021 Council meeting. Signage is being erected in the declared areas.

The new local law is in addition to the State Government’s smoking legislation introduced in 2017, which prevents smoking in outdoor dining areas where food is consumed.

Council’s footpath trading policy, adopted in May 2021, now requires food must be available at all times in footpath dining areas while operating, meaning that under the Tobacco Act, smoking is not allowed in these areas.

Eaton Mall and Kingsway are both renowned dining precincts that attract people from all areas to enjoy a unique dining experience. Council wants to ensure these precincts are attractive to families and that there is no impact on their experience from passive smoke.

These changes follow a survey of the local community and traders, with over 880 responses. There was overwhelming support for these changes, with 87 per cent of residents and 84 per cent of traders supporting the new local law.

While a fine of $200 can be issued for a breach of the Local Law, Council encourages people to adhere to the changes and not to smoke in areas where it is not allowed. This is not only because it is prohibited under the Local Law, but also respect community members who expect to be able to enjoy these areas.


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