
Experts on ground help Victorian Agribusiness go global

14 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2021

The Victorian Government has appointed three agriculture export specialists to help our agribusinesses to establish more trade pathways.

Minister for Agriculture Mary-Anne Thomas today announced the new agriculture-focused specialists would provide in-
market support from Victorian Government Trade and Investment Offices in China, Malaysia and the United Arab Emirates.

In Kuala Lumpur, in-market specialist Ian Thompson will provide insights to Victorian agribusinesses looking to grow their exports and diversify their markets in South-East Asia. Mr Thompson will work to promote quality Victorian food and agricultural produce in these markets.

Dubai based in-market specialist Emma Page has a mandate for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Ms Page will be supporting Victorian agribusinesses to respond to the strong demand for premium food and beverage products coming from the MENA market.

Beijing based in-market specialist Davis Tao Xu will deliver tailored advice to Victorian businesses in Victoria’s biggest food and fibre export destination – our food and fibre exports to China were valued at $4.7 billion in 2019-20.

Agriculture Victoria’s in-market specialists are funded through the $5 million Pathways to Export Program. The Program is a four-year Agriculture Strategy initiative dedicated to creating export opportunities for Victorian agribusinesses.


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