
Football Victoria to refund $1.7 million back to clubs

30 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2021

On the 3XY Radio Sports Sunday program, Antonella Care, President of Football Victoria was invited back to the show to talk about the decision by FV to refund $1.7 million back to football clubs.

Antonella admitted it’s never great for any organisation to refund money, however it was inconceivable for them to keep money for games that never got played.

Antonella also mentioned the different refund fees, one being the team registration fee and the other the per player fee. If the per player fee has been paid to FV, this will be refunded back to the clubs. Similar this will also happen for the team registration fee. Individual clubs can then decide if they elect to refund/discount or rollover to the 2022 season.

3XY mentioned about the proposals that were raised last week from the United Football Group of Clubs (UFGC) and Antonella said that 2 papers had been received by the board. One was from the UFGC and the other was from the football departments. The football department paper was seeking clarity on pre existing competition vacancies and also seeking clarity on a series of principles to change the rules of competition for 2022. She confirmed no rules were in place for an incomplete season.

The UFGC paper has been put to the board for consideration.

Antonella confirmed, moving forward, there will be rules of competition which will allow for an interrupted season and will enable a relegation system. This of course will be in consultation with the clubs and members.


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