
Husband’s Powerball mistake earns Iowa couple $150,000

12 Φεβρουαρίου, 2021

Barbara Haley, 68, of Sioux City, told Iowa Lottery officials she has been using the same set of numbers, which represent family birthdays, to play Powerball for more than 30 years.

Haley said her husband, Steve, was supposed to mark the numbers 5-9-17-27-28 and the Powerball 14 on the play slip at East End Car Wash in Sioux City, but he mistakenly marked an 8 instead of the 9.

The couple didn’t notice the mistake until they tried to claim what they thought was a $300 prize.

The ticket, which matched four white balls and the Powerball, was a $150,000 winner.

Haley said she and Steve haven’t decided what to do with their winnings.

Source: upi.com


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