
(JINSA): U.S. Leadership Needed on East Med Energy

23 Ιουνίου, 2022

Last week’s EU-Israel-Egypt natural gas agreement shows how the Eastern Mediterranean offers valuable opportunities to help reduce the dependence of America’s European allies on Russian energy. However, the peaceful
development and transportation of these resources by Greece, Cyprus, Egypt, and Israel also face growing challenges from Turkey, Hezbollah, and potentially others. To fully realize the region’s potential to advance Eu-
rope’s energy security in the face of Moscow’s aggression, the United States must reverse its hands-off approach and support its partners’ proactive heavy lifting to bring Eastern Mediterranean energy online – including by
appointing a Special Envoy for the region and backing the expansion of natural gas infrastructure regionwide.

Excerpt: » Meanwhile Turkey announced it would begin exploring for energy in Greece’s exclusive economic zone(EEZ) in the Aegean Sea, while also explicitly threatening to challenge Greek sovereignty there.

Read the full statement here: https://jinsa.org/jinsa_report/us-leadership-needed-on-east-med-energy/


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