
Local council elections voting deadline looms

21 Οκτωβρίου, 2020

Voting closes this week for Victorian local council elections. Voters who have not yet voted are urged to do so before it’s too late.

Electoral Commissioner Warwick Gately said: ‘Local councils make all kinds of decisions for their communities, so it’s important that you exercise your right to vote.

‘Your vote will help decide who will be representing you at the local level for the next four years.’

Completed ballot papers must be in the mail or hand-delivered to the election office by 6 pm Friday 23 October. Local mail clearance times vary so voters should check their local mail clearance times to make sure their vote is in the mail on time. Voters who haven’t received their ballot pack should contact their election office to arrange a replacement as soon as possible. Visit vec.vic.gov.au for election office contact details.

Voting is compulsory for voters who were on the State roll for this election at 4 pm Friday 28 August and Council-enrolled voters are encouraged to vote. State-enrolled voters who don’t vote may be fined.

For voters enrolled in Melbourne City Council elections, it is compulsory for everyone on the Melbourne City Council voters’ roll to vote – both State- and Council-enrolled.


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