© Getty Gold medallist Team Australia - Bronte Campbell, Cate Campbell, Emma McKeon, Meg Harris - during the medals ceremony of…

New stamps celebrate Aussie gold medals at Tokyo Olympics

26 Ιουλίου, 2021

Source: msnnews

Australians who win gold at Tokyo 2020 will feature on a new series of stamps released by Australia Post.

The first athletes to feature on the stamps will be the winning women’s 100 metre freestyle relay team.

Olympians Bronte Campbell, Meg Harris, Emma McKeon and Cate Campbell took home the title after setting a World Record time of 3:29.69.

The group beat their closest competitors Canada and the USA to take home the gold for the fourth consecutive year.

Chloe Esposito OAM, who won gold at the Rio 2016 games, remembers being featured on the stamps five years ago, describing them as “wonderful keepsakes”.

“Winning an Olympic gold medal is the pinnacle of any athlete’s career and the Australian Gold Medallist Stamps capture these important moments in our sporting history,” Ms Esposito said.

a couple of people posing for the camera: Australia's 4 x100m women's freestyle relay team will be celebrated by featuring on a new stamp.
© Getty Australia's 4 x100m women's freestyle relay team will be celebrated by featuring on a new stamp.

“Of course, the stamps are a wonderful keepsake for the athletes, but they also allow every Australian to celebrate and be proud of these achievements.”

Every winning Australian gold medalists at the games will feature on a stamp, which Australia Post will produce and released within 72 hours of the win.

The first set of stamps will be available participating Australia Post outlets from Wednesday July 28.


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