
Restrictions set to ease again in Melbourne and regional Victoria

23 Ιουνίου, 2021

Source: ABC news

More Victorians will be allowed to visit other people’s homes, return to offices and gather outdoors, with the state government set to announce another easing of restrictions.

No new local cases were recorded in Victoria overnight, and one case was diagnosed in hotel quarantine.

There were 28,267 test results received yesterday, and 17,279 doses of vaccine were administered at state-run sites.

Victoria has now recorded seven days with one or fewer new local cases, and no new exposure site has been listed since Wednesday last week.

Many of the changes to be announced will bring metropolitan Melbourne closer to the level of restrictions that currently exist in regional Victoria.

The number of people allowed to visit a home is set to be increased to at least five in Melbourne, and public outdoor gathering limits will also be raised.

The density limits in workplaces and entertainment venues will also be eased.

Senior government ministers and health officials met last night to thrash out the details of the new restriction levels, and will meet again this morning to finalise arrangements.

One of the unresolved issues is how many people will be allowed to attend this weekend’s AFL matches at the MCG, and other sporting events due to be held in Melbourne.

The easing of restrictions comes as Victoria’s Chief Health Officer declared seven local government areas in New South Wales as red zones.

Victorian residents who have been in a red zone can obtain a permit to re-enter the state but must quarantine for 14 days.

The seven declared regions are:

  • City of Sydney
  • Waverley
  • Woollahra
  • Bayside
  • Canada Bay
  • Inner West
  • Randwick

Wollongong has been declared an orange zone, meaning anyone who visited that area must apply for a permit to re-enter Victoria, and isolate until they receive a negative test result.


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