
Social media giants ‘would face incredibly large fines’ under new laws to protect children

26 Οκτωβρίου, 2021

Source: 9news

Social media giants are facing renewed pressure to protect children online with the Federal Government considering new laws that require parental permission to sign up.

The Federal Government has released the draft legislation, an Online Privacy Code, that would compel social media companies to verify a user’s age and obtain parental consent for those aged under 16.

Speaking to Today, Attorney-General Michaelia Cash said the legislation was about holding social media giants to account for how they treat the personal information of children.

An Online Privacy Code would compel social media companies to verify a user's age.
An Online Privacy Code would compel social media companies to verify a user’s age. (AP)

“This is all about ensuring that social media companies put the best interests of our Australian children first – not their big profits – but the big interests of Australian children,” she said.

“First the way they collect, use and disclose their personal information.”The Coalition plans to slap companies like Facebook and TikTok with “incredibly large fines” if they breached the online code.

Ms Cash said as an example, parents would not want their 13-year-olds being targeted online for diet pills.

“I was pleased to see that some social media companies said last night they will work with the government in relation to the new online code,” Ms Cash said.

“The regulation you see in the physical world, it now needs to be mirrored in the digital world.”We have a duty to ensure that your personal information is properly looked after.”


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