
Some restrictions will be eased for those in lockdown

16 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2021

Source: ABCnews

Victoria will hit their 70 per cent first dose target today. And that means *some* freedoms.

  • Outdoor gatherings will be allowed. But it’ll depend on your vaccine level — those with no vaccine or one dose: limited to groups of two. Fully vaccinated: groups of five (but from two households)
  • An increase of the radius for shopping and exercise from 5 to 10 kilometres
  • An increase of exercise time from two to four hours
  • The reopening of outdoor communal gym equipment and skate parks
  • Personal training with up to two people plus the trainer
  • In-home childcare extended to families where just one parent is an essential worker
  • Real estate inspections for new purchases and ending leases
  • An increase of construction staff from 25 to 50 per cent, where 90 per cent of those staff are vaccinated

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