
Strict new face mask rules come into effect in Victoria

12 Οκτωβρίου, 2020

Victorians are no longer be allowed to wear bandanas, scarves or face shields after the two-week grace period for the state’s strict new mask change ended.
The new rules state all Victorians must wear a fitted face mask when they leave home, not matter where they live.
The fitted face mask must cover the nose and mouth. Face shields, bandanas, or scarves or loose snoods, loose buffs or loose neck gaiters on their own are now no longer be considered a sufficient face covering.

Premier Daniel Andrews last week reminded Victorians they must wear a fitted mask after the deadline or risk being fined by police.

“Scarves and bandanas in the early stages was an appropriate response,” he said.
“That advice is now changed. We have given the two-week period.

“All Victorians must wear fitted masks when they leave their homes.
“As restrictions ease and movement increases, the effectiveness of masks is even more important and obvious.”

The Victorian government has also ordered a further 1.2 million fitted, reusable cloth masks from local and new factories.
Victoria recorded 11 new cases of COVID-19 and no new deaths today – the same figures as yesterday.

Source: 9news


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