
Victoria Covid lockdown restrictions: latest update to Melbourne and regional Vic coronavirus rules explained

9 Αυγούστου, 2021

Source: The Guardian

Daniel Andrews has announced Victoria will enter a week-long lockdown from 8pm on Thursday 5 August.

a store inside of a building: Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images
© Provided by The Guardian Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

An update to Victoria’s Covid restrictions has been announced as Melbourne enters its…

The premier said “all the same reasons and rules we are well accustomed to” would be in place.

When can I leave my house?

You cannot leave your home unless it is for one of five approved reasons – similar to previous lockdowns.

The reasons are: shopping for essentials; authorised work, if you cannot work from home, or education; exercise for up to two hours; caregiving, compassionate and medical reasons; and to get vaccinated.

Schools will be closed.

How long will the lockdown last?

The lockdown will last at least seven days, meaning it is due to lift at 8pm on Thursday 12 August.

“I hope not to extend that but will be guided by not what is politically convenient or popular but what the science tells us … I don’t want to be foreshadowing or giving people false hope that on Monday I’m gonna be standing here saying it’s all fine and we will open up again,” Andrews said.

How far can I travel from home?

For shopping and exercise, you need to stay within a 5km radius of your home.

What are the rules for exercise?

There is a two-hour limit on exercise, and it can only be with one other person, and you must stay within a 5km radius of your home. Gyms will close their doors again and community sport will also be suspended.

What are the rules for wearing face masks?

Masks must be worn everywhere except for in your home. This includes both indoor places and outdoor areas – unless you have a medical exemption. It also applies to all workplaces and secondary schools.

Video: Relief in Victoria with lockdown set to ease (Sky News Australia) Relief in Victoria with lockdown set to ease

Is regional Victoria included?

The lockdown applies to the entire state of Victoria.

Can I have visitors to my house?

No, visitors to homes are not allowed, other than an intimate partner, or a nominated person for someone who lives alone.

Can I travel interstate?

Each state and territory is updating guidance on travel rules individually:

What about if I live in Victoria, but I’m in NSW and want to return home?

From midnight Tuesday, 20 July, only people deemed authorised workers and those granted an exemption on compassionate grounds will be able to get a permit to enter Victoria from NSW.

What about public gatherings?

Public gatherings will not be allowed.

What is happening with schools?

Schools will move to remote learning, except for vulnerable children and the children of essential workers. Higher education will also move to remote learning.

Childcare centres and kindergartens are still open.

Can I dine in at a restaurant or cafe?

No. Restaurants, cafes and pubs will be open for takeaway only.

Are the shops open?

Essential retail, such as supermarkets and chemists, will remain open. Other stores will be closed.

What about aged care and hospitals?

No visitors are allowed at aged care facilities except for limited reasons. There will be no visitors to hospitals allowed except for end of life, if you’re a partner during the birth of your child, or a parent accompanying a child.

Can I go and get vaccinated?

Getting vaccinated is one of the reasons people who are eligible to receive the jab can leave home. The Victorian government has expanded the eligibility to include those aged between 40-49 for state-operated vaccination sites. People in this category can now call the hotline on 1800 675 398 to book an appointment.

  • Due to the unprecedented and ongoing nature of the coronavirus outbreak, this article is regularly updated to ensure it reflects the current situation at the date of publication (9 Aug 2021). Any significant corrections made to this or previous versions of the article will continue to be footnoted in line with Guardian editorial policy.

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