
Victoria records four new community COVID-19 cases in Melbourne’s northern suburbs

24 Μαΐου, 2021

Source: abcnews

Four new positive cases of coronavirus have been identified in Melbourne’s northern suburbs, Health Minister Martin Foley says. 

Three of them are close family contacts of the initial case but so far there is no indication they are linked to the Wollert case.

The first case was a man who showed symptoms of coronavirus on May 20. He got tested two days later on May 23.

A male relative went with him when he got tested, and that person, who was not showing symptoms, has also tested positive, Mr Foley said.

Both live in Whittlesea, north of Melbourne.

Two other relatives, a woman and a preschool child were also tested and returned positive results.

All are close contacts of the first case and live in two different households.

Two new Tier 1 exposure sites have been listed.

They include the Jump Swim School in Bundoora between 8:55am and 10:15am on May 21 and Highpoint Shopping Centre between 5:00pm and 8:00pm on May 20. 

Anyone who attended the school or shopping centre at those times needs to get tested and isolate for 14 days.


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