
Victoria records three new local COVID-19 cases as state awaits eased restrictions announcement

16 Ιουνίου, 2021

Source: abcnews

Victoria has reported three new locally acquired COVID-19 cases, as the state anticipates an announcement on the possible easing of restrictions from Friday.

The state officially recorded a total of five new local cases on Tuesday, which includes two cases revealed by authorities at a Tuesday afternoon press conference, which are both linked to a Southbank apartment complex outbreak.

The health department said the three new cases revealed today were linked to current outbreaks.

There were 17,538 test results received and 14,870 vaccination doses were delivered at state-run sites.

Testing locations at St Vincent’s Hospital, Alfred Health, Montague Street in South Melbourne, and Aughtie Walk in Albert Park reached capacity by 10:00am Wednesday.

A further easing of Melbourne’s lockdown restrictions is expected to be announced today, including the end of the 25-kilometre travel limit.

Senior state government ministers and health officials are meeting this morning to finalise the details of the new arrangements.

Melbourne is expected to come into line with most of the restrictions currently in place in regional Victoria, but there are still likely to be different density limits for hospitality.

The changes are set to come into effect from 11:59pm Thursday.LIVE UPDATES: Read our blog for the latest news on the COVID-19 pandemic

Meanwhile, authorities have listed the busy South Melbourne Market as a COVID-19 exposure site after a positive case attended on June 12.

The market is closed today after it was listed last night as a Tier 2 exposure site between 11:30am and 1:30pm on Saturday.

Anyone who was at the venue during that time must get tested and isolate until they receive a negative result.

Several stalls within the market have also been listed individually, including Fruits on Coventry, K and L Poultry, Golden Dragon Asian Grocery, and Kirkpatrick’s Meats.

Dozens of other venues around South Melbourne, Port Melbourne, and the CBD were also added to the list last night.


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