
Zero new local virus cases recorded in Victoria

11 Ιουνίου, 2021

Source: abcnews

Victoria has recorded no new locally acquired COVID-19 cases, as Melbourne emerges from its fortnight-long lockdown.

It is the first time the state has recorded zero new cases since the recent outbreak was first detected on May 24.

There were 17,604 test results processed on Thursday, when 20,752 vaccination doses were delivered at state-run sites.

Contact tracers are still trying to figure out how four cases in a Reservoir household detected on Wednesday caught the virus, with no links established so far to other cases or exposure sites.

While Melbourne’s lockdown has lifted, heavy restrictions remain: no visitors in the home are allowed and Melburnians must wear a mask both indoors and outdoors as they move about within a 25-kilometre radius of their homes.

Authorities listed more exposure sites across Melbourne’s north overnight, including several supermarkets and a McDonald’s drive-through.

Four young men sit around an outdoor cafe table with coffees as a person walks their dog down the footpath.
Tightly restricted dining has returned at Melbourne’s restaurants and cafes after a fortnight of strict lockdown.(ABC News: Stephanie Ferrier)

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