Sorros's Plan to de- Christianise Europe
Sorros's Plan to de- Christianise Europe

The Soros Empire plans to de-Christianise Europe

19 June, 2024

George Soros and the European Union are behind a plan to create a “mixed, Islamized Europe” according to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who further iterated that the only way to halt the Soros Empire plans to de-Christianise Europe and the demographic replacement of Christian Europeans is through a return to pro-sovereignty, pro-family values and policies.

In a speech titled “Will Europe Belong to Europeans?” Orban outlined the alliance between radically pro-migration billionaire financier George Soros and the E.U., as well as Soros’ four-point plan for the demographic replacement of Europeans through the mass migration of primarily Muslim populations.

“Europe is currently being prepared to hand its territory over to a new mixed, Islamized Europe,” Orban told an audience in Romania. “We are observing the conscious step-by-step implementation of this policy. For this to happen, for the territory to be ready to be handed over, it is necessary to continue the de-Christianization of Europe – and we can see these attempts.”

WND has reported extensively on the replacement of European people through mass migration, a globalist scheme led by the United Nations, the European Union, and billionaires like George Soros.

“In Brussels [location of the E.U. government] an alliance has been forged against the opinion of the people,” Orban continued. “The members of this alliance are the Brussels bureaucrats and their political elite, and the system that may be described as the Soros Empire.”

Orban then outlined the overreaching plan of the “Soros Empire:”

“The plan says that every year hundreds of thousands of migrants – and, if possible, a million – should be brought into the territory of the European Union from the Muslim world. The second point is that upon arrival every one of them should be given an amount in euros equivalent to four and a half million forints [approximately $17,000]. The author of the plan would gladly finance this – but that is secondary, although it’s something that’s worth pondering. However, it’s not this, it’s not the business profit that’s the essence of the proposal, but the fact that in this way it’s possible to maintain a continuous influx. So those who want at least a million migrants to come in every year must maintain this mechanism – which in European political terminology is called a ‘pull factor’ – so that they continue to come. And if they distribute them and everyone receives a sum – which is, in fact, higher than the Hungarian annual average wage – there won’t be a problem with reduced flow. The third point in the Soros plan is that the migrants arriving on the continent will have to be distributed among the countries of Europe as part of a mandatory and permanent mechanism. The fourth point is that a European immigration agency should be set up which will take all the decision-making powers related to migrant affairs away from the nation states and raise them to the level of Brussels. This is the Soros plan.”

If this plan is allowed to continue, European countries will “disappear,” Orban said. “For a country to be strong, demographic decline must be out of the question.”

“A country which is in demographic decline – and, to put it bluntly, is not even able to sustain itself biologically – may well find that it is no longer needed,” Orban added.

Therefore, the first step in fighting demographic replacement, Orban claimed, is the building “a family-friendly environment,” and the “creation and growth of families.”

The second step is securing the sovereignty of European countries against the E.U., and then using this sovereignty to close borders to migration and deport migrants already living in Europe.
“We must make it clear that the reform of Europe can only start with stopping the migrants, putting an end to immigration, and everyone using their national competence to protect their borders,” Orban stated.

Orban also addressed the counter-argument often made by pro-migration politicians, and he insists that assimilation is not possible for primarily Muslim migrants.

“Naturally, when considering the whole issue of who will live in Europe, one could argue that this problem will be solved by successful integration,” Orban said. “The reality, however, is that we’re not aware of any examples of successful integration. It’s obvious that migration is not the answer to economic problems and labor shortages.”
Read more on tanea.com.au
Orban’s anti-migration, pro-sovereignty rhetoric is nothing new, and Hungary has been at the forefront of resistance against mass migration into Europe.

Hungary is a member of the Visegrad Group, also know as the V4, a collection of Central European countries committed to preserving their shared “cultural and intellectual values” within the E.U.

The countries that make up the Visegrad Group are Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Poland.

The Visegrad Group recently came under attack by the E.U. due to members’ anti-migrant policies. In 2015, all E.U. member countries agreed to relocate more than 100,000 migrants throughout the continent in a binding agreement.

As of today, acting in direct opposition to the E.U. plan of forced migration, Poland and Hungary have not relocated a single refugee, while Slovakia and the Czech Republic have only relocated a handful.

In a letter to the Italian prime minister, the Visegrad Group outlined its opposition to migration, noting that “the vast majority of the mixed migration flows are composed of economic migrants,” and, therefore, the group’s “external borders have to be protected.”

The views of the Visegrad Group are shared by a majority of Europeans, but the E.U. continues its policies of displacement.

An astounding 76 percent of European nationals say the E.U.’s performance on immigration is poor, with 51 percent of European nationals believing the solution to the immigration problem should involve increased national sovereignty rather than intervention from Brussels.

While the Visegrad Group attempts to counteract the effects of mass Muslim migration in Europe, American commentators believe the United States is similarly at risk for Islamization.

“Soros has established himself in all his work as an enemy of the West, and the mass Muslim migration is a useful tool to sow chaos in Western countries,” Pamela Geller, editor-in-chief of the Geller Report, told WND.

“There is no reason why our experience would be different from that of Europe. Islam isn’t different here. The same teachings that cause many Muslims to brutalize and victimize infidels in Europe are taught in mosques here,” Geller added.

“Those who seek global control are working feverishly to destroy the West,” Rep. Michelle Bachmann said in an interview with WND.

Bachmann has spoken at length about the effects of Muslim immigration on Minnesota, and she believes Minnesota is no longer the same state she grew up in.

“The U.N. together with the U.S. State Department are doing their best to undermine Western civilization,” Bachmann continued. “If the people’s representatives don’t stop the intentional mass migration from the Third World, America, and Europe will no longer survive their great tradition as the beacon of freedom and prosperity to the world.”

“It is amazing to ponder how arduous it is to build a functioning society, then view how quickly a society can lose its strength when the society rejects its foundation,” Bachmann concluded.

In “Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance,” renowned activist Pamela Geller provides the answer, offering proven, practical guidance on how freedom lovers can stop jihadist initiatives in local communities.


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