
Prespes: No matter what they do, history can not be unwritten

19 June, 2024

Matthew Nimitz, the UN Special Mediator for the name issue (1994-2019), was awarded the first Prespa Peace Prize by Alexis Tsipras and Zoran Zaev. Regardless of the theatrics of Prespes: No matter what they do, history can not be unwritten, that is a fact that they will never be able to ignore.

The first “International Conference on Peace and Sustainable Development” was co-organized – over the weekend at the Athens Conservatory – by the Alexis Tsipras Institute and the Zaev Foundation.

In a special ceremony at the conference, exactly six years after the signing of the Prespa Treaty, the former Prime Minister of Greece and the former Prime Minister of Skopje presented the award to Matthew Nimitz, who in his short speech called on “everyone to follow and respect the Prespa agreement and work hard to implement it and if there are parts of the agreement that need work then sit down together and find the solution.”
In short, now the name “North Macedonia” is presented as a victory to the Greeks, if achieved, and as the ultimate solution of “peace” against “nationalist intransigence”, as they call it! What will be the next step, if the rhetoric of the new government of Skopje, which speaks of “Macedonia pure and simple”, how will be overcome? The gradual unification of territories into a single independent state “symbol of peace” However, something is coming for Macedonia and Thessaloniki and indeed, as it has been said, the region will become a model of dispute resolution for other parts of the wider region or even the planet!

Mr Nimitz said he was honoured to receive this award and thanked in particular Mr. Tsipras and Mr. Zaev and the former Foreign Ministers of the two countries “for making this agreement possible”.
Nimitz noted that “the Prespa agreement is very important for both countries and the region, the whole region and beyond.” He noted that it is a compromise and commented that “compromises are difficult to achieve”. He stressed that “all agreements that are important tend to be compromised”, citing as examples the US Constitution, the Treaty of Versailles, the United Nations grace.”

He added that these are all compromises “and because they are compromises they are imperfect and people can always find some negative points, but think what life would be like without these agreements”. “These agreements are the framework of our culture, if we don’t follow them, if we don’t respect it then we face very serious problems. So I appeal today to everyone, all sides, not to undermine these agreements and especially the Prespa agreement.

The conference was attended and watched the awarding of Matthew Nimitz by Alexis Tsipras and Zoran Zaev, and the President of SYRIZA-PS, Stefanos Kasselakis.

The event was a show of a fake progressive policy that beckoned all the foes of the Greek nation together, making them all one family, one embrace.

There was joy and celebration at the shadow theatre of the Foundation of “Betrayal of Macedonia by Alexis Tsipras”. But in reality, the concepts of left-right are obsolete, there are no ideologies on the political scene anymore and it is surprising that the right-wingers are missing from the weekend’s “celebration” of “peace and friendship” with the Slavs neighbours. Now the battle is being fought throughout Europe between internationalism, as the dark forces fighting for ethno-abolishment, cultural destruction, historical falsification, and treason, against, let us say, a new kind of what we may call for the first time “neo-nationalism”, but in keeping with the original meaning given in the years of the Enlightenment and which means the preservation of the values, history, nation, and culture of a people and its progress and not as a branch of chauvinism. The reasons behind calling this neo-nationalism and a new kind of patriotism (so to speak) is for another time. Now some people who are ignorant of political science and history and who have an opinion on everything can label everything as far right, right wing, fascism, Nazism, Hitlerism and whatever else they want, is of no concern. All of these are dead concepts, they don’t exist, they are finished, they are off the political map, and they don’t concern most of the people on an existential level.

You do not see it now but those of us who are engaged in in-depth analysis of this battle through an effort to improve our insight and understanding. It does not matter what anyone calls it then. The point is different and intelligent people are now tired of their labelling.


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