
50 years since the tragic Turkish invasion of Cyprus – Enough is enough!

17 July, 2024

This Sunday at 2p.m. all Hellenes should be at Melbourne’s Federation Square

This Sunday, Federation Square in Melbourne will bear witness to a remarkable event: a gathering to mark 50 years since the tragic invasion and occupation of northern Cyprus. Organized by the newly established Action Group for the 50th Anniversary of the Invasion of Cyprus, this event is set to become not only a moment of solidarity and remembrance for the island of Cyprus but also a global reference point highlighting the unwavering determination of Hellenism to continue the fight for the reunification of Cyprus and the return of refugees to their ancestral homes.

Melbourne’s large Greek community is called upon to unite and honor the unjustly lost victims of the Cypriot tragedy more than ever before.

As observed, there has been significant movement surrounding the Cyprus issue in recent times. Typically, the Greek side mobilizes in response to Turkish provocations and manages, truth be told, to garner supportive statements from allies. However, these supportive statements, much like the UN resolutions, have achieved virtually nothing in the 50 years since the illegal and tragic Turkish invasion of Cyprus.

When a practice fails to yield results, one naturally wonders if it should be abandoned and replaced with a more effective approach. Are there, however, any “magic solutions”? Clearly, there are not. What is required, therefore, is our steadfast global and comprehensive resistance and finally, the possible control of initiatives.

In light of recent developments, it is understandable that the Turkish side has intensified its efforts to consolidate and institutionalize division.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar are attempting to pave the way and shape the conditions for the imposition of a fait accompli, to recognise the psedo-state.

The recent visit of Tatar to Australia is obviously part of these efforts. The strong reaction of the Σ.Ε.Κ.A. Victoria and its immediate responses to Turkish provocations is remarkable as it is fighting against a “professional” and well coordinated mechanism armed with its Greek soul and the knowledge that justice is on its side.  

This year, perhaps for the first time in the long history of protest demonstrations by Hellenes around the world, it is imperative that there be mass participation in the “indignation and determination” demonstrations to send a strong message to the global community.

This year, when the t/c of Melbourne will be celebrating the supposed “50 Years of Peace in Cyprus”, it is our duty to “drown” Federation Square with our voices ofanger and determination.  

Let us join our voices this Sunday at 2:30 pm at Melbourne’s Federation Square.


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