
The Arcadians of Melbourne commemorate the “Fall of Tripolitsa – September 23, 1821”

24 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2024

On Sunday, September 22, 2024, the Panarcadian Federation of Australia and the Panarcadian Association of Melbourne and Victoria “Kolokotronis,” together with the Arcadian Associations of Melbourne, held a memorial service in memory of those who fell during the Liberation of Tripolitsa.

The service took place at the Holy Monastery of “Axion Esti” and was attended by members and representatives of Arcadian associations, as well as representatives from various Greek organizations in the community and churchgoers. Following the service, wreaths were laid at the monument of the church by the presidents and representatives of the attending organizations.

Afterward, coffee and refreshments were offered in the church hall, where brief speeches were delivered by Mrs. Syrmο Papayiannou, President of the Panarcadian Federation of Victoria, Mr. G. Kotsirilos, President of the Panarcadian Association of Melbourne and Victoria “Kolokotronis,” Mr. M. Pyrpiris, Treasurer of the Greek Community of Melbourne and Victoria, Mr. P. Andronikos, President of the Coordinating Committee of the Cypriot Struggle (SEKA), and Mrs. K. Georgiou, representative of the Cypriot Community of Melbourne and Victoria.

The event was successfully coordinated by Mr. D. Kyriakoulis. Eternal be their memory.

The Arcadians will celebrate the Liberation of Tripolitsa and the 65th anniversary of the Panarcadian Association of Melbourne and Victoria “Kolokotronis” on Saturday, October 12, 2024, at “The Arcadian,” 570 Victoria St, North Melbourne. For information, please contact Mrs. Panagiota Dimitropoulou at 0439 002 202 or Mr. George Kotsirilos at 0418 101 400.


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