
August 2019- Page 3

Top 12 Tourist Arrival Destinations in Greece, First Half of 2019

The latest data published by Greece’s Civil Aviation Authority and the Institute of the Greek Tourism Confederation (INSETE Intelligence) reveal the top-12 destinations in Greece that received the largest numbers of arrivals from abroad at their airports between January and June 2019.…
22 August, 2019

Best Beaches on Rhodes, The Island of Knights

Rhodes, the largest island of Greece’s Dodecanese archipelago, also known as the “Knights’ Island,” has lovely beach resorts, as well as ancient ruins and beautiful historical buildings to explore. The idyllic island has many iconic buildings left from the time of its…
14 August, 2019

Finding the courage to tackle racism and prejudice

Against the alarming backdrop of a surge in racist and discriminatory attacks in Victoria, Courage to Care Victoria is tackling bad behaviour one school at a time. Alpha Cheng, whose father Curtis was shot dead by an ISIS radicalised teenager in 2017,…
14 August, 2019

Greeks most pessimistic about future of EU

Greeks are the most pessimistic among their EU peers about the future of the European Union, according to the Standard Eurobarometer survey of spring 2019 published on Monday, which inquired about topics such as the European political situation, the economy and European…
8 August, 2019


August 2019

