
September 17, 2024

Germany’s “Far-Right” Shift on Migration and Greece’s Response

Germany’s recent decision to extend border checks for six months along its western and northern borders, aimed at curbing irregular migration, has triggered concerns across Europe. Athens has already conveyed a strong message, emphasizing that any unilateral suspension of the Schengen Agreement…
17 September, 2024

NASA: Stadium-sized asteroid approaches Earth today

NASA has issued a warning about an asteroid the size of a stadium that is set to approach Earth today. The asteroid, named 2024 ON, is approximately 290 meters (950 feet) wide and will pass at a distance of 1 million kilometers…
17 September, 2024

Immersion Day 2024 – “Grandma’s Trunk”

On behalf of the Modern Greek Teachers Association of Victoria, we are delighted to invite students to participate in the 2024 Greek Immersion Day. This special event is designed for students in grades 3-6 and aims to provide an enriching experience that…
17 September, 2024

Dimitris Tsaloumas memorial seminar

Dr. Konstandina Dounis will present this year’s Dimitris Tsaloumas Memorial Seminar on Thursday, 19 September, at 7 pm at the Greek Centre. This seminar is organised in collaboration with the Greek-Australian Cultural League. Dimitris Tsaloumas’ significance in Greek-Australian literature cannot be overstated.…
17 September, 2024

Meimarakis questions EU on Turkey’s provocative BRICS application

Vangelis Meimarakis, an MEP from New Democracy party, has submitted a question to the European Union concerning Turkey’s “provocative intention” to apply for BRICS membership. Additionally, he has inquired about the “introduction and teaching of the revisionist narrative of the ‘Blue Homeland’…
17 September, 2024

Record Drownings at Australian Beaches

Australia has seen a significant rise in drownings at its beaches, with new data revealing a record 150 coastal deaths for the 2023/2024 period. This alarming increase coincides with a growing number of Australians flocking to the beaches, spurred by more “swim-friendly”…
17 September, 2024

Third runway at Melbourne airport to provide economic boost

The long-awaited approval of a third runway at Melbourne Airport is set to provide a significant economic boost, reduce flight delays, and increase competition. However, due to an extended approval process, the $3 billion project is now expected to be operational by…
17 September, 2024

TA NEA – 11 September 2024


September 2024

