
HEALTH- Page 4

8 rules we can learn from the Greek Diet and Lifestyle

The Greeks have given the world many gifts, ranging from politics to science as well as architecture. The Greeks have been drivers of so many important fields that are still so relevant today. While all of those things are wonderful in their…
16 November, 2019

Horta: The many benefits of these magical Greek greens

Everyone – absolutely everyone – who has a friend or relative from Greece, has heard of the word “horta”. Literally translating into English as the humble ”weed,” the meaning of the word horta in the modern Greek language encompasses every green that one…
2 October, 2019

Food star ratings fail on sugar: Choice

Some top-selling cereals that have four out of five health stars plummet to just 1.5 when added sugars are factored in, Choice says. Choice is demanding a major change to Australia’s star rating system for food, saying consumers are being denied the…
26 June, 2019

Vitamin C tablet helps diabetes

A Victorian study has found popping a vitamin C tablet twice a day could help more than one million Australians with type 2 diabetes reduce their blood sugar levels. The Deakin University study, published in the Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism journal, found…
13 February, 2019

TA NEA – 11 September 2024


February 2025

