
WORLD- Page 19

UN to post EEZ maps of Libya, Turkey deal

Athens is bracing for the United Nations’ Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea to post the geographical coordinates outlined in the maritime border agreement signed by Turkey and the Tripoli-based government in Libya on November 29, 2019. The…
19 February, 2020

Partners with Cyprus in joint Anti-Aircraft defense exercise

France partnered with the Republic of Cyprus in testing its anti-aircraft defense capabilities in a joint military exercise which was conducted across the free territories of the Republic on Monday. Numerous French ”Rafale” fighter jets pretended to be trying to hit Cypriot…
19 February, 2020

A Most Convenient Virus

I prefer to write on things I know about, but once in a while an opportunity presents itself for me to comment on some aspect of widespread mistrust and confusion while resting on a solid foundation of my professional curiosity. This is…
17 February, 2020

The Terrorists Migrating into Europe

“Most migrant terrorists involved in thwarted or completed attacks were purposefully deployed to the migration flows by an organized terrorist group to conduct or support attacks in destination countries.” — Todd Bensman, “What Terrorist Migration Over European Borders Can Teach About American…
17 February, 2020

Gas Wars in the Mediterranean

The unexpected alliance between Turkey and Libya is a geopolitical earthquake that changes the balance of power in the eastern Mediterranean and across the Middle East. Turkey’s audacious move has enraged its rivals in the region and cleared the way for a…
10 February, 2020

Battle of the ages to stop Eurasian integration

The coming decade could see the US take on Russia, China and Iran over the New Silk Road connection. The Raging Twenties started with a bang with the targeted assassination of Iran’s General Qasem Soleimani. Yet a bigger bang awaits us throughout…
25 January, 2020

Germany: All EU members must take in Migrants

The continuing debate over migration is, at its core, about European federalism and the degree to which the European Union will be allowed to usurp decision-making powers from its 28 member states. If everything goes according to plan, the draft legislation would…
14 December, 2019

What’s next for Bolivia after military coup?

Morales’s government nationalized natural gas and electric companies, defying both the US and the Bolivian oligarchy. So it’s not surprising that those forces now denounce Morales as a dictator and cheer his overthrow. Bolivia held elections on October 20 this year. Opposition…
7 December, 2019
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TA NEA – 11 September 2024


September 2024

