Chief of Police Graham Ashton  with some members of the Multicultural Media Reference Group

Chief of Police meets with Media reference group

18 December, 2019

Chief of Police Graham Ashton  with some members of the Multicultural Media Reference Group

Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton attended the  quarterly meeting of the Multicultural Media Reference Group to thank them for their valuable assistance to the police department for the year 2019 and of course wish the group the very best for Christmas and the New Year.    

The group meet regularly at the police headquarters and are informed and assist the department in providing better services to the Multicultural communities of Victoria.

The  Chief of Police takes this opportunity to wish the Greek community of Victoria a safe and happy holiday season.

The festive season brings a timely reminder for all Victorians to look after each other and themselves. As we all know, holiday periods can be a time of greater risk for family violence, bush fires and collisions on our roads.

Plan ahead. If you’re heading out for a drink – leave your car keys at home, call a taxi or organise a designated driver. I encourage you all to look after one another and enjoy the celebrations.


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