Once again this year, the Australian Federation of Pontian Associations is organising a series of commemorative events to remember and honour the lives lost during the Greek Genocide in the region of Pontos. The 19th of May was officially declared as ‘Pontian Greek Genocide Remembrance Day’ by the Parliament of the Hellenic Republic on February 24th in 1994 and has since been commemorated annually by Greeks around the world.
A Memorial Service is to be held at the Holy Monastery of Axion Estin, 7 Hartington Street, Northcote, on Sunday the 19th of May 2024 at 9:30am followed by a Wreath Laying Ceremony at 12.00pm at the “Monument of the Fallen” located at the rear of the church. Community organisations are welcome to register to lay a wreath by sending an email to ausfedpontianassoc@gmail.com
One of the highlights of this year’s Melbourne program is the premiere screening of the film, ‘Lethal Nationalism – Genocide of the Greeks 1913-1923’. The award-winning documentary ‘chronicles the genocide of the Greeks, and other indigenous Christians, at the hands of the Ottoman and Nationalist Turks’. The film was funded by the ‘Asia Minor and Pontos Research Centre’ (USA) and directed by Peter Lambrinatos, written by John McCarthy and narrated by known American news anchor, Bill Kurtis. It has been screened around the world and will be making its debut in Australia on Sunday the 19th of May at Palace Cinema Pentridge. The Melbourne screening has been organised in close collaboration with the Food for Thought Network, the Australian Institute of Macedonian Studies, the Greek Community of Melbourne and the Australian Federation of Pontian Associations and sponsored by Elite Custom Pluming and Moka Foods.
“Under the fog of war during World War 1, the genocide of the Greeks was carried out at the hands of the Ottoman and Nationalist Turks. 3,000 years of history, destroyed and almost erased in only 10 years, 1913-1923. “Lethal Nationalism” explores this dark chapter of history with, survivor interviews, historic film footage, informative graphics and illustrations along with contextual analysis from leading academics. Nearly a million Greeks were killed, while millions more were uprooted from their ancestral homelands in Asia Minor (Turkey), Pontus, and Eastern Thrace as part of the Ottoman and Nationalist Turks’ campaign.”
Lethal Nationalism: Genocide of the Greeks 1913-1923

Commemoration Events Greek Genocide in Pontos Melbourne 2024
Wednesday 15th of May 2024
Radio Hellas 3XY and the Pontian program ‘Xeniteas’ will be broadcasting a special dedication to the Genocide of the Greek of Pontos on Wednesday the 15th of May 2024 at 8pm. For further information and to convey a message of solidarity please contact the radio host Litsa Athanasiadis on 0421 804 968.
Thursday 16th of May 2024
The Central Pontian Association of Melbourne “Pontiaki Estia”, Merimna Pontion Kyrion Oceania and the Greek Orthodox Community of Melbourne in conjunction with the Australian Federation of Pontian Associations, are hosting a lecture by Dean Kalimniou titled “Pontus the Opera” on Thursday 16th of May 2024 at 7:00pm. The event will take place at the Greek Centre’s Mezzanine Level, 168 Lonsdale St, Melbourne. For more details, please contact Litsa Athanasiadis on 0421 804 968.
Sunday 19th of May 2024
The Pontian associations of Melbourne under the auspices of the Australian Federation of Pontian Associations, are hosting a Memorial Service for the lives lost during the Genocide of Hellenes in the region of Pontos on Sunday the 19th of May 2024 at 9:30am. The doxology will take place at Holy Monastery of Axion Estin, 7 Hartington St, Northcote. For more information, please contact Mr Yiannis Pilalidis on 0414 334 233.
Sunday 19th of May 2024
A Wreath Laying Ceremony commemorating the lives lost during the Greek Genocide in the region of Pontos will take place on Sunday 19st of May 2023 at 12.00pm. The ceremony will be held at the “Monument of the Fallen”, Holy Monastery of Axion Estin, 7 Hartington St, Northcote. For more information and to register to lay a wreath, please contact Con Tseprailidis on ausfedpontianassoc@gmail.com
Sunday 19th of May 2024
The Greek Centre building at 168 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, will be lit up in red to commemorate the victims of the Greek Genocide on Sunday the 19th of May. The initiative is sponsored by anonymous donors.
Sunday 19th May 2024
The Australian Federation of Pontian Associations in conjunction with Food for Thought Network, the Australian Institute of Macedonian Studies and the Greek Community of Melbourne, will be hosting the premiere screening of the documentary film ‘Lethal Nationalism Genocide of the Greeks 1913 1923’. The screening will be showcased at the Palace Cinema Pentridge, 1 Champ St, Coburg, 4:30pm on Sunday the 19th of May 2024. Tickets will be available for purchase via TryBooking. The film will be in the English language. For further information, please contact Ms Simela Stamatopoulos via email: ausfedpontianassoc@gmail.com
Monday 20th to Wednesday 29th of May 2024
The Educational Institution “Hellenism of Anatolia from the Aegean Sea to Pontos”, of the Australian Federation of Pontian Associations will be hosting a ten day exhibition on Hellenism of Asia Minor and Cyprus titled “In the Footsteps of Digenes Akritas” an exhibition on the common historical and cultural elements that unite Hellenism of Cyprus and Pontos, Crete, Cappadocia and Asia Minor in general. The display will be located at the ‘Community House’ of The Greek Orthodox Community of Oakleigh and District, 62 Willesden Rd Hughesdale, from 12:00pm to 6:00pm daily, Monday the 20th 29th of May 2024. For the full program of events that will be held at the premises and to book an educational tour offered to schools and community groups please contact Ms Yiota Stavridou on 0481 238 880.
Monday 20th of May 2024
The official opening of the exhibition entitled “In the Footsteps of Digenes Akritas” will take place on Monday the 20th of May 2024, at Oakleigh Grammar, (77/81 Willesden Rd, Oakleigh) entrance via Clapham rd, at 7:00pm. For further details and the full program of events to be held during the exhibition, please contact Ms Yiota Stavridou on 0481 238 880.