
EU Parliament: Greek and Cypriots voted to override the veto of Member States

29 November, 2023

The European Parliament adopted on Wednesday 22 November a resolution aimed at amending the EU treaties, abolishing the veto of Member States and giving more power to the EU institutions. Greek and Cypriots voted to override the veto of Member States.

The resolution was adopted in its entirety by 291 votes, with 274 MEPs voting against it and 44 voting to “Abstain”. The vote itself shows how divisive the issue is, and member states do not seem to want change.

Germany and its satellites are pushing for the lifting of the veto – Greece and Cyprus are indifferent in this discussion.

However, it is worth noting that the part of the resolution concerning the amendments to the Treaty on European Union, including the controversial abolition of the veto and the replacement of the phrase “equality between men and women” with “equality between the sexes” (Article 2), received far more votes (360) compared to 229 against.

It is important to note, however, that those who voted against include the ECR (European Conservatives and Reformists) and ID (Identity Democracy) groups. As well as most of the MEPs of the European People’s Party (EPP), mainly those from smaller countries, from Eastern European countries, and those belonging to the more conservative wing of the larger Eurogroup. Unfortunately, with the exception of Mrs Wozemberg, who voted against the resolution in its entirety, but was absent during the vote on the provisions in question. All the Euro Members of Parliament of the New Democracy Group sided with the EPP minority as if they were MEPs from France or Germany and not from a small country that stakes its national sovereignty on the right of veto.

One feels really ashamed to find that out of the 21 Greeks (?) MEPs only three took a clear position against a resolution that was contrary to the interests and national sovereignty of Greece. Also to its culture and national cohesion, as it clearly promotes the well-known woke agenda. It is about Emmanuel Frangos of the Hellenic Solution, but also about the communist MEPs, Lefteris Nikolaou-Alavanos and Konstantinos Papadakis.

It is not only those who enthusiastically voted in favour of this shameful text, proposed the committed enemy of our country, Guy Ferhofstadt, together with four German MEPs, with the sole aim of turning the European Union into a super-centralised Soviet Union. Worse still are those who were absent without justification and even worse are those who were there and left.

It is enough for one to consider that, the vote on the whole resolution was only 17 votes, and if all Greek and Cypriot MEPs had done the obvious for a country of Greece’s or Cyprus’s size and position, the resolution would have been lost.

One of the same Cypriot MEPs

The Cypriot MEPs appeared more serious than the Cypriot press. In the whole resolution, of the 6 Cypriots, three voted against and two declared themselves present. DIKO (EPP) MEP Dimitris Papadakis abstained.

However, in the particular section of the voting list concerning the veto and other amendments to the EU Treaty, the five Cypriots present all voted in favour of the effective abolition of the right of veto, which mainly serves member states like Cyprus, especially with the problems that plague it and its neighbourhood.

Fortunately, there are patriots from other countries

A change of the Treaty is, of course, unlikely to happen, as it would need the support of all member states.

Poland’s conservative government adopted a resolution on Tuesday to oppose the proposed changes to the European Union treaties, saying the European Parliament’s proposals “diminish the role of the unanimity principle in the European Council” and “seek to limit the powers of member states in strategic areas” such as foreign policy, defence and national security. Such changes would “fundamentally reduce Poland’s sovereignty” and “violate the Polish constitution”. The Polish government stated that the proposed amendments would “serve the interests of the two largest EU Member States”, namely France and Germany.


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