Greece Sees Mickoski's Statement on Macedonian Question as Provocation
Greece Sees Mickoski's Statement on Macedonian Question as Provocation

Skopje’s PM Mitskoski defies Prespa Agreement, fuels nationalist rhetoric

29 January, 2025

The policy of Skopje’s Prime Minister, Christian Mitskoski, towards the Prespa Agreement remains uncompromising, as Skopje’s PM Mitskoski Defies Prespa Agreement, Fuels Nationalist Rhetoric marked by open violations of the agreement and a nationalist tone dominating his public statements.

Mitskoski, leader of the nationalist VMRO-DPMNE party, which has consistently opposed the Agreement, continues to reject the name “North Macedonia,” referring to his country simply as “Macedonia.”

Despite the legal obligations outlined in the Prespa Agreement, the Skopje Prime Minister insists that his country has the “right” to choose its name. While he uses the agreed-upon name “North Macedonia” for international purposes, in his domestic rhetoric, he steadfastly adheres to the term “Macedonia.” This stance has sparked a strong reaction in Greece, with Athens reiterating the legal commitments of the Prespa Agreement, which stipulates that the neighbouring country must be recognised exclusively as “North Macedonia.” The continued use of “Macedonia” and references to a “Macedonian people” revive irredentist sentiments that the Agreement was designed to eliminate. Athens has emphasised that progress in bilateral relations and Skopje’s EU accession prospects depend on full compliance with the Agreement.

Tensions flared during the NATO summit in July when Mitskoski referred to his country as “Macedonia,” directly contravening the terms of the Agreement. Greece responded firmly, stressing that the issue has been definitively resolved and that any breach of the Agreement undermines efforts to rebuild trust and improve relations between the two nations.

In an interview with state television, Mitskoski expressed surprise at Athens’ reaction, claiming that his remarks were not directed at Greece. However, he reiterated that the “Macedonian issue” remains unresolved and argued that accepting the terms of the Agreement would be “treacherous” for the citizens of Skopje.

The Prespa Agreement explicitly states that the country’s name is “North Macedonia” and prohibits the use of the term “Macedonia” without the prefix “North” in all public and private institutions. Greece, through Foreign Minister George Gerapetritis, has raised these violations at the international level, highlighting the irredentist undertones of Mitskoski’s actions and his government’s policies.

This persistent defiance casts uncertainty over the future of Greece-Skopje relations, as the Prespa Agreement appears to be systematically undermined by Skopje’s leadership. The continued challenges to the Agreement threaten to stall progress and deepen mistrust between the two countries.


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