
The second instalment: Greek Community of Melbourne Hellenic Dialogue Series, with Mark Bouris AO

19 February, 2020

Bouris Announces new Financial Institution to be launched to assist Small

The Greek Community of Melbourne and Victoria conducted its second dinner night with special speaker Mark Leigh Bouris AM, an Australian businessman who is best known as the founder and chairman of ‘Wizard Home Loans’, Australia’s second largest non-bank mortgage lender behind Aussie Home Loans.

He is now the chairman of Yellow Brick Road, a business which he founded in 2007, rominent TV producer, presenter of the popular Apprentice TV show, economist and successful businessman of Greek background.

Last year’s Hellenic dialogue series special guest was politician Arthur Sinodinos, who now is posted in America as Ambassador of Australia.

The event was held at the Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club on Monday night with over 200 guests attending the evening. Master of ceremonies was the well known presenter George Donikian, who interviewed Mark Bouris and in turn gave the microphone to the audience to ask a few questions to learn more about Mark, his life, the economy and his future aspirations.

The evening was a great success, Guests heard Mark talk about his experiences in business, his upbringing as a young boy in Sydney, the hard work of his parents, the values he learnt from them as a young aspiring student, who worked hard to achieve and create.

To quote Mark, “I am who I am because of my parents”.

He also expressed his excitement in announcing his new project RESI finance, on which he has been working on for the last few months and which will be launched in the near future. RESI will be predominantly geared to help small businesses that need finance assistance, something that has been overlooked and lacking from major banks, due to the recent Royal Commission restrictions. As he mentioned, small businesses are finding it difficult to obtain loans based on their positive financial position. He hopes that RESI will bridge this gap and financially assist small business to achieve better outcomes that will no doubt help our economy.

­­At the end of the event, President Bill Papastergiadis together with all committee members, thanked Mr Bouris and presented him with a commemorative plaque.

President Mr Bill Papasteriadis together with Commitee members of the Greek Community of Melbourne present plaque to Mr Mark Bouris AO

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