
Things that are done but not said…

13 December, 2023

There are varying assessments of what each side achieved from Erdogan’s recent visit to Greece.

National Defence Minister Nikos Dendias said it was a step towards calm in Greek-Turkish relations, noting at the same time “the many historical shifts in the pending relations between Greece and Turkey”.

Others accuse the government that in order to achieve “temporary calm” it abolished the daily visa for Turks visiting seven Greek islands and acquiesced to a “calm” that essentially serves the “cornered” Turkey that has opened many fronts lately.

So has Turkey changed its stance?

Many claim that Turkey never changes its stance.  What Greece seems to have towards Greece is a deep and elaborate policy, which Turkey is implementing with moves that fall within this framework, regardless of the fluctuations in tension it causes.

In essence, Erdogan has told us that Turkey will not threaten Greece if Greece does not threaten Turkey. But when did Greece threaten Turkey?

According to the Turks, when we think that Turkish aircraft violate Greek airspace over inhabited islands, and Greek aircraft intercept them, for them it is flying in their own airspace.  So we’re threatening them. Therefore, if we don’t threaten them, they won’t threaten us. So, in essence, Turkey is asking us to accept these violations.

In fact, it is not telling us not to “threaten” it, but to “resist” it!

Are you signing “Friendship Agreements” before the problems are solved and at a time when Turkey has an active casus beli (cause of war) against Greece?

The calm climate serves Turkey well in the current configuration of the geopolitical chessboard. After its “neutrality” towards the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Turkey openly supports Hamas while insulting and blaming Israel on a daily basis. It has therefore opened up more serious fronts and “our” is taking a back seat.

Erdogan’s “wolfishness” is obviously also related to the serious refugee problem, the fact that he has not yet secured the funds he is seeking from the EU for the earthquake-prone province of Hatay and his unsuccessful attempts at EU membership.

Some may wonder if Greece is moving in the right direction. We will accept what Mr Dendias said, that “we are not naive”, and we will remind ourselves of the great Greek politician Konstantinos Karamanlis that… “In politics there are things that are said and not done, as well as things that are done and not said”.


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