
You can help Agapi Care make a difference in the lives of people with disabilities

17 May, 2019

AGAPI Care Inc is a not-for- profit organisation committed to delivering tailored services and supports to people with a disability in Victoria since 1987, to meet identified needs and goals. This year as it does every year Agapi Care is having its annual Radiothon.

Services include Support Co-ordination, Social and Commun-ity Participation, Improved Rela-tionships, Plan Management, Deve-lopment of Daily Living and Life Skills, Improved Health and Well-Being, Short Term Accommodation and Assistance, Specialist Disa-bility -Accommodation, Supported In-dependent Living, Interpreting and Translating and are designed to support you to gain more indepen-dence, to be involved in your community and to achieve the things that matter to you the most.

You are at the centre of what we do. Our person-centred approach supports you and all of the important people in your life to make your goals a reality.

SERVICES: AGAPI Care gives you the opportunity to choose your own life journey.
AGAPI Care provides Specialist Disa-bility Accommodation to people with disabilities in the Northern, Southern, Western and Eastern Region.

Each house offers around the clock care and support to residents by a team of dedicated and skilled staff.

These houses are subject to availability.

Our Approach: Our person-centred approach supports you and all of the important people in your family and support network, to choose how you live. You are at the centre of what we do. You shape and direct the services and supports that best suit your needs, strengths, interest, goals and aspirations, big and small.

We encourage you to be as independent as possible and to participate in social and community activities.

We provide you with opportunities to enjoy new experiences, socialise and meet new people, participate in leisure activities, learn new skills and experience more independence in your day to day life.

Our Support Staff: Our dedicated team of disability support workers have the training, skills and experience in providing high quality care and support to people with a range of disabilities, health and support needs to live a life with increased independence, self-esteem and community inclusion.

Who can access Specialist Disabil-ity Accommodation?

All people with disabilities over the age of 18 can access our accommodation services.

Specialist Disability Accommodation or Long-term Supported Accommodation places in these homes are subject to availability.

STAA SERVICES: Our Short Term Accommodation and Assistance services offer you an en-joyable and positive experience with a focus on leisure activities, community participation and enhancing your independence. Short Term Accommo-dation and Assistance also offers your family and carers short-term or time limited breaks from their caring role.

The NDIS will enable you to pay for reasonable and necessary supports that may help you achieve your goals in many aspects of your life, including independence, involvement in your community, education, employment and health and wellbeing.

If you do not qualify for NDIS funding, you may qualify for an Individual Support Package.

What is an Individual Support Package (ISP)?

An Individual Support Package (ISP) is funding allocated to you to access the disability services you need by the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).

Your ISP can be used to pay for disability services that help meet your support needs and achieve your goals.

Contact us if you have an ISP for information about our services which include Short Term Accommodation, community engagement and 1:1 support.

NDIS SERVICES: AGAPI Care is registered to provide the following supports:

Support Coordination, Plan Manage-ment, Community Access, Long Term Supported Accommodation, Respite – Short Term Accommodation and Ass-istance, Behaviour Support, Specia-lised Disability Accommodation

Make Donation your donation. More informatiuon on page 7


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