
The fate of the treacherous Prespa Agreement

21 February, 2019

Last Sunday, the German Minister of State for Europe at the  German Federal Foreign Office, Mr Michael Roth, in an interview, published by the Greek Sunday newspaper ΕΘΝΟΣ, warned any future governments of Skopje and/or Greece not to void the Prespa agreement, claiming that such a move would jeopardise their “relationship with their EU partners” and would have subsequent negative consequences in their “social and economic development”. This threat, besides proving that Greece is consistently and constantly pressured to comply to the wishes of its western partners, serves as proof that the said agreement CAN be voided.

There is now a “North Macedonia” with inhabitants called (by Greece and the rest of the world) “Macedonians” who speak the “Macedonian” language. There is also Ancient Macedonia within Greece’s borders, inhabited by Greeks. Two Macedonias and only one inhabited by “Macedonians”. This is in essence what the Prespa agreement has achieved.

The explanatory notes of the slavonic roots of the “Macedonian” language and the Greekness of the ancient Macedonian region, are 1) facts that were previously known by anyone studying history or having a rudimentary level of education, 2) facts that only the ones who knew before will continue to know now and the vast majority of people will never bother to investigate, and 3)won’t erase the establishment of the “Macedonians” of “North Macedonia” as the sole heirs of anything Macedonian.

It is practically impossible to identify every instance of wrong references to “Macedonians” as descendants of Alexander the Great and attempt to educate every Tom, Dick and Harry about Ancient Macedonia’s Hellenic identity. That will never happen because a) Greeks do not possess the necessary “tools” and willpower, b) citizens of the world do not give a damn, and c) their identity is stamped and sealed by Greece and the case ends there and then without any elaborarions deemed necessary. The only people who will know the truth are academics. BUT they do not count. They knew all along and they didn’t count. Why would they now?

Even if this agreement is voided by future governments of either or both parties, it is virtually impossible to reverse “North Macedonia’s” UN, NATO and EU memberships and the world’s unanimous and unopposed use of the term “Macedonian” to identify their ethnicity and language.

The optimists, who believe that they now have “the weapons,” to combat any Skopjean propaganda given to them by Skopjeans’ admission of their language’s slavonic roots and the Hellenic identity of ancient Macedonia, which is within modern Greece’s borders, will have to fight a neverending battle. Was that necessary? Wouldn’t the absence of the term “Macedonian” have eliminated, once and for all, the problem? 

Given the facts that a) the FYROM was in a desperate position, fighting for its survival, b) the western powers wanted their submission to their plans and did not really care about history and what they would be called, and c) the status quo did not harm Greece’s interests, WHY on earth did Greece enter an agreement that guarantees eternal problems to its North “Till death do us part”?

In my humble opinion the ONLY thing that can be salvaged is our dignity. This agreement must be and will be voided. Those responsible must face the consequences of the law for this was unconstitutional and harmful to Greece’s interests.

To the innocent minded supporters of this treacherous agreement : Good luck with the “It’s not what it seems” campaign”.


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