
GREECE- Page 11

Stefanos Kasselakis elected as the new President of SYRIZA

Regardless of whether Stefanos Kasselakis was elected as president of SYRIZA on Sunday, his skyrocketing popularity must mean something. The leftists who have associated themselves with the Athens Polytechnic uprising can retire, literally and figuratively. Literally, because the so-called historic figures of…
27 September, 2023

The U.S. Should Recognize the Greek Genocide

I am a descendant of survivors of the Greek genocide. My great-grandmother and her parents, like their parents and grandparents before them, were Ottoman Greeks born in what is known today as the Republic of Turkey. A century ago, the Turkish National…
14 September, 2023

Italian Parliament signals support for EastMed pipeline

The Lower House’s Foreign Affairs Committee called on the government to work with the countries involved in the project to assess its development prospects. As the League’s Formentini notes, the pipeline would enable Rome to diversify supply routes, aid its projection towards…
26 May, 2023

A map showing Mycenaean Greek samples to modern populations

Map showing the genetic distance from the average Mycenaean Greek samples to modern populations. The Neolithic and Bronze Ages were highly transformative periods for the genetic history of Europe but for the Aegean—a region fundamental to Europe’s prehistory—the biological dimensions of cultural…
26 May, 2023

Cleopatra was NOT Black, she was the GREEK Queen of Egypt, a beautiful connection between Greek and Egyptian civilizations

Netflix has controversially added the Greek Queen of Egypt, Cleopatra, to its list of “blackwashed” historical figures and has thus received much criticism for its revisionism. Cancel Netflix’s “Queen Cleopatra” https://www.change.org/p/cancel-netflix-s-queen-cleopatra-repost?redirect=false Narrated and executive produced by Jada Pinkett Smith, Netflix documentary ‘Queen…
17 April, 2023
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TA NEA – 11 September 2024


February 2025

